Daniel Ogbeide Law

Child Custody

Child Custody Lawyer Consultation In Houston TX

Only an experienced child custody lawyer can advise you as to what your situation means. Child custody disputes are the most volatile, emotionally charged, and important issues in the law. For decades, people have fought over their rights to obtain custody of their children when a relationship or marriage goes south.

An expert child custody lawyer like Daniel Ogbeide Law will explain that gone are the days of simply granting a mother custody over the kids. Most jurisdictions follow the “best interests of the child” standard. The court takes into account literally dozens of factors to determine where the child or children should reside as their primary residence and which parent should make important decisions in the child’s life, such as educational, religious, and medical decisions. An experienced family law lawyer fighting on your behalf will explain the details of your case with the care, confidentiality, and compassion that you and your family deserve, and only an expert can tell you what your chances of winning are.

At Daniel Ogbeide Law our child custody attorneys regard it as a fundamental truth that the father-child relationship is as meaningful as the mother-child relationship and that gender-based discrimination in family court is unreasonable. As most men feel that the system is predisposed against them, they can only hope to succeed by using all the help available to them, both legally and strategically.

Our child custody lawyer in Houston can also arrange an investigation to ensure adequate housing for your child or children. If a parent’s home isn’t suitable for the child, it can often sway the judge’s decision in court.

Our CPS lawyers advise you when emotions run high so you don’t make poor decisions. We present evidence in front of the judge and communicate all the vital information to ensure your and your child’s best interest. We also manage cases involving supervised visitation and domestic violence and get visitation or custody rights for grandparents in certain cases.

Alternatively, you can also hire our child custody attorneys in Houston if you’re not happy with a child custody arrangement. Our attorneys are well-versed in law to find legitimate reasons to alter an arrangement and approach the court with a petition based on legal standards.

That’s not all! Our child custody lawyers also coordinate with other professionals if a case involves child mistreatment or parental substance abuse. At Daniel Ogbeide Law, we work with private investigators or child psychologists to protect the rights of children.

If you want to know more about our services, reach out to our team today!

A Sample Case For Best Interest Of The Child

The court may consider any factor that it deems relevant to the best interest of the child. However, the court may not consider any factor that would be Inappropriate. In determining what is in the best interest of the child, the court must give primary consideration to the child’s physical safety and welfare. In making this determination, the court may consider any relevant factors, including:

583 S.W.3d 676

In the INTEREST OF D.A.Z. a Child.

No. 08-18-00124-CV

Court of Appeals of Texas, El Paso.

December 21, 2018

ATTORNEY AD LITEM: Hon. Larry Myrick, Law Offices of Larry Myrick, Odessa Executive Center, 119 West 4th, Suite 402, Odessa, TX 79761.

REAL PARTY IN INTEREST: L. S. Z., Jr., 4913 Woodhollow Dr., Midland, TX 79701.

ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT: Hon. Delilah Schroeder, 620 N. Grant, Suite 508, Odessa, TX 79761.

ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE: Hon. Jerry L. Reyes, Office of General Counsel, TDFPS MC: Y-956, 2401 Ridgepoint Drive, Bldg H-2, Austin, TX 78754.

Before McClure, C.J., Rodriguez, and Palafox, JJ.



[583 S.W.3d 679]

This appeal is from a judgment terminating the parental rights of Appellant, M.L.A., to her child, D.A.Z. We affirm.

Factual Summary

Appellant, M.L.A. (“Mary”), and L.S.Z., Jr. (“Larry Jr.”) are the biological parents of three-year-old D.A.Z. (“Debra”).1 Mary also has a younger daughter, Victoria.2 The Department became involved with Mary in May 2017 when it received a report that she was pregnant and using methamphetamine. The report included allegations that Mary and her boyfriend were neglecting Debra as a result of their heavy drug use. Danielle Maphis began an investigation for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and had an initial meeting with Mary. Mary admitted that she was pregnant and using methamphetamine. She initially agreed to submit to a drug test, but she never followed through despite repeated requests from the Department. On June 12, 2017, Mary was admitted to a hospital with a broken nose received in a domestic violence incident. The following day, the Department filed a petition for protection of Debra, conservatorship, and termination of parental rights. The Department also sought an emergency removal of Debra. The trial court entered an emergency order removing Debra and naming the Department as the temporary sole managing conservator. The Department placed Debra with her paternal grandparents, Larry Sr. and Olive. On June 22, 2017, the trial court ordered Mary to submit to a hair follicle and urinalysis drug testing, but Mary did not comply.

The Department created a service plan to address the issues which led to the removal of Debra. Among other things, Mary was required to regularly visit with Debra, submit to drug testing, complete drug and alcohol assessment, attend in-patient treatment for drug abuse, complete a psychological evaluation, complete parenting classes, and complete counseling. Even though Mary was not incarcerated until February 2018, Mary did not submit to drug testing, and while she completed the drug and alcohol assessment, she failed to complete in-patient drug treatment. Mary did not complete parenting classes [583 S.W.3d 680]



frequently asked questions

Custody lawyers, like those at Daniel Ogbeide Law, are skilled in handling modifications to existing child custody arrangements. If your circumstances have changed, such as relocation, job changes, or concerns about your child’s welfare, our experienced attorneys can help. We assess your situation, gather evidence, and present a strong case to the court, advocating for a custody modification that aligns with your child’s best interests and the legal standards in Texas.

In a custody dispute, child custody lawyers in Houston, like the team at Daniel Ogbeide Law, focus on the “best interests of the child” standard. This involves evaluating several factors, including the child’s age, physical and emotional health, relationship with both parents and stability of the home environment. Our attorneys work to present a compelling case to the court, ensuring that all factors are considered to achieve a favorable outcome for you and your child.

A child custody lawyer in Houston, such as those at Daniel Ogbeide Law, plays a crucial role in cases involving domestic violence. We prioritize the safety and well-being of your child, gathering evidence and working with professionals like private investigators or child psychologists when necessary. Our team advocates for protective measures, such as supervised visitation or sole custody, to ensure your child’s environment is safe.

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